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Kursus Pra-Perkahwinan!

Hehe, that's a sigh of relief! Finally, I can crossed that out from my checklist. I have to say that the kursus is the one thing that I dread doing for my wedding preparation. And Alhamdullilah, sudah selesai dengan jayanya. Hehe, tak tido walaupun sekelip, eceh. Sebenarnya tak tido sebab sibok baca Cleo :p

Actually, the kursus isn't so bad. We registered for our kursus in Pusat Bandar Damansara, but a day before, Kak Ana, the penyelaras kursus, called to say that the venue has been moved to Masjid At-Taqwa, TTDI. Both my fiance and I felt that the bilik kuliah was a wee bit cramp. But, that was our only complaint.

I thought the Ustaz(s) and Ustazah are bearable. Hehe. They didn't make too many crude dirty jokes. And some of them are actually very funny. The laugh-out-loud-perut-sakit kind of funny. And some of the topics are actually quite useful. Fiance and I especially like the ceramah by this young Ustaz, Ustaz Mohd Faizal Azhar Yusof. He talked about Ibadah and Akhlak, which was relevant to our lives, married or not.

Of course, both me and fiance's focus for the kursus was reserved for the Marriage Procedure. The procedure looks complicated, but actually isn't. You just need to get some fundamentals (eh beria :p) right, and off you go galloping to the Pejabat Agama. I will save the details of the Procedure in another post since it's going to be a lengthy one. Soon la okay?

All-in-all, it wasn't too bad of an experience. But, I wouldn't want to go again nor do I want to sleepover for the kursus. Oh oh! Important announcement. One of the Ustaz(s) mentioned that from 1st March, 2010 there will be a Ujian accompanying the Kursus and they are planning to extend the kursus to 3 days 2 nights. Maksudnya bermalam la bakal-bakal pengantin nanti untuk kursus kahwin. Oh-My-God! I don't know how true this is since we have heard about Jabatan Agama wanting to extend the kursus and doing an overnighter since tahun lepas-lepas lagi. So, Waalahu 'alam. Tapi, just in case, pegi je la cepat-cepat.

My tips, best to go with your pasangan. Boleh discuss, share jokes and gossip bersama-sama. Besides, this is part of the journey to happily ever after :p It's all about creating memories together, people! Hee. Oh, kalau boleh heret la rakan-rakan supaya tidak bosan. Tapi, kalau tiada kawan, sila lah bawa majalah atau buku untuk menghabiskan masa.

Sekian, Wabillahi Taufiq wal Hidayah, Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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