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Hello Carbs!

Hehe, today my pact ends! Yeap, it's been three weeks since I started with my strict non-carbs diet! So how did it go?

Hmm, I've lost an INCH from my waist and hips and an additional HALF INCH from my thighs since three weeks ago. Obviously, I would love to lose more, but grateful nonetheless. Kalau tak sia2 tak makan But, the most puzzling thing is I haven't lost any weight! Nada. Tak bergerak pun jarum weighing scale tu! So weird righhhhtttt! After all that dieting and exercising, zero kgs lost! Urgh. Serious, weird! I doubt that my fats have turned into muscle, since ermmm.... lembut je lagi badan I :p If any of you have any explanation/have experienced this situation, please do share. Terima kasih :)

Anyways, back to the diet itself. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The though of eliminating ALL types of carbs initially seemed a bit daunting. Nak makan ape kan?! But after a while ( I think a few days for me), my body adjusted. It was actually not too bad. Eating out wasn't as difficult pun. I ordered mostly soups, salads, and proteins. I wasnt starving la, bottom line nya ;)

I think I'm continuing with the non-carb diet, but not so strict lah. I will definitely not eat rice until my wedding day. But, everything else in moderation. The thing I miss most while on the diet is BREAD!! So, yeah am definitely going to balas dendam after this! Hmmm yummy yummy roti!

I'll do another post on what I ate for the past three weeks nanti ok. And if you have any ideas/tips on losing weight, please please do share! I'm especially interested in losing those thunderous thighs. Three weeks memang tak cukup la nak hilang those thighs. Urgh. Seriously, liposuction je lah!

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