Today is my first day of Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD programme. This is my last ALL-OUT effort before the big day! I'm hoping to lose a couple more inches off my bottom, and to get an overall toned body by the end of this programme.
According to Jillian, if we watch what we eat and do the DVD diligently, every day for 30 days, then we can lose up to 20 pounds! Okay, I dont think I will lose that much since that would leave me looking like a skeleton la kot. So a few pounds shed would be good enough for me. Most importantly, I'm going after that toned body *wink*
The DVD is divided into three levels, each lasting around 30 mins including brief warm up and cool down. You are not required to do all three levels at a time in order to shed those extra pounds. Because the workouts are very very intense! Serious, masa buat tadi, rasa macam nak baling je dumbbells kat Jillian Michaels tu. Penat gila nak mamps, peluh keluar mencurah2 macam mandi. This is by far the most intense workout that I have ever done. PT I dulu pun tak seteruk ni.
Butttt, the feeling after the workout memang puas hati lah. Your body feels so good and you have more energy. *I'm updating my blog now, kan? Shows my increased energy level :p* So, I'm definitely sticking with this. Day 1 memang sakit, I'm hoping that my body will adjust quickly!
I'm planning to have an early start tomorrow so that I can exercise first. Chehhh, cita-cita tinggi, tak sedar diri nak kena tido macam baby. I'll just set my alarm - I hope I can wake up tomorrow!
Wish me luck everyone! With Jillian and the waking up early bit :s
According to Jillian, if we watch what we eat and do the DVD diligently, every day for 30 days, then we can lose up to 20 pounds! Okay, I dont think I will lose that much since that would leave me looking like a skeleton la kot. So a few pounds shed would be good enough for me. Most importantly, I'm going after that toned body *wink*
The DVD is divided into three levels, each lasting around 30 mins including brief warm up and cool down. You are not required to do all three levels at a time in order to shed those extra pounds. Because the workouts are very very intense! Serious, masa buat tadi, rasa macam nak baling je dumbbells kat Jillian Michaels tu. Penat gila nak mamps, peluh keluar mencurah2 macam mandi. This is by far the most intense workout that I have ever done. PT I dulu pun tak seteruk ni.
Butttt, the feeling after the workout memang puas hati lah. Your body feels so good and you have more energy. *I'm updating my blog now, kan? Shows my increased energy level :p* So, I'm definitely sticking with this. Day 1 memang sakit, I'm hoping that my body will adjust quickly!
I'm planning to have an early start tomorrow so that I can exercise first. Chehhh, cita-cita tinggi, tak sedar diri nak kena tido macam baby. I'll just set my alarm - I hope I can wake up tomorrow!
Wish me luck everyone! With Jillian and the waking up early bit :s