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Burned Out

Hi guys,

It's really getting more and more difficult to update this ol' blog of mine. I just wasn't in the mood to share anything in the past few months, but today ahhh the mood to write strikes. :)

I actually wanted to share with you guys about my Yogyakarta trip. I had all the posts written, in my head, when I was there. But, they remained in my head and now I've forgotten all about it. And since then, I've been to Japan for work, did some fun parties for PinkBrolly Events and more. -_____-

Today, as I was stuck in the massive jam (what is up, KL?!) I thought about what I want in my life. Yeap, deep thoughts to entertained in the evening.

Truthfully, I am feeling so blergh with my job. See, I'm a scholar and I'm currently serving my bond. I have two more years before this bond ends and I have been weighing in on my options. After 6 years in the investment world, I can safely say that I do not have any passion for it. Sometimes I like what I do, but increasingly I'm finding it very difficult to look forward to going to work these days.

But, being in this job gives me security. The salary isn't too bad and the bonus is awesome. And we get full medical coverage, which is really a peace of mind. But, I can feel myself slowly rotting here, which I hate.

For now, I really want to leave after my bond expires. I want to do something creative. I want to do something different. And I want to make a lot of money.

But will I?  

I pray for Allah to guide me the right way, Amin.

(Sorry if this comeback post is too heavy for you guys! Just feel the need to get this out)

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